
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

My First 2 Days of Rockets in 2024

Sorry readers but you may get sick of hearing about rocket festivals before I stop posting about it. I am currently in Yasothon and plan on attending another festival today so will try and keep this post short.

Below are 2 shorts I posted on YouTube of rockets on my 2nd day of festivals.

I got a late start on Friday after a doctor's appointment and hit the road headed to Yasothon and the Rocket Festivals. I ran out of day light after about 200 kilometers and found a hotel for the night near Saraburi.I had

Saturday I got an early start but didn't have time to visit my pinned location in the area because I had a long ride ahead. I covered more distance than I have done before on one day riding the motorbike. I rode the remaining 400k to Yasothon City. I checked into my home for the next 10 days and the same place I stayed last year.

I enjoy the smaller festivals last year and wanted to attend some again this year. I find it hard to find information about the smaller festivals but after a lot of searching on Google I found the following flyer. A bit of playing with Google translate and I had some places to check out.

The flyer does not give you an exact location or size of the festival. I just ride to the village and then listen for loud music and follow the sound. I visited 6 festivals on Sunday but only saw 1 big rocket and missed videoing the launch.

The following are pictures of them preparing the big rocket and with attaching it for launch.

All of the festivals have a stage with singers and dancers and just a big party. I arrived at the 6th festival after the rockets were finished but it had the largest party so if I return next year it maybe my first stop, Si Than, Pa Tio District.

I tried to take a picture of the motorbike with the beer cooler side car and all these lovely ladies posed.

A few pictures of the different stages of the festivals from Sunday.

Monday I only went to one festival and it was in Dong Mafai, Sai Mun District. It didn't disappoint with a lot of big rockets. The shorts at the top of this post were from Dong Mafai.

I rigged up an umbrella over my head and sat in the rice field and enjoyed watching the rockets.

Following are some pictures from the day ending with a crazy guy that likes seeing rockets.

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