
Friday, November 3, 2023

Bang Pa-In Palace

It was about 3 years ago when I was living in the Bangkok area I hopped on a train and travel to Bang Pa In to try and visit the royal palace and failed. At that time the palace was closed due to Covid but still had a good day out taking the train and walking around the area next to the palace.

Jump forward 3 years and I was going to visit a temple with a cauldron of bats and when I was looking at the map the bat temple looked really close to the palace. It seemed like a good time to resolved my failed attempt. This time I visited with my motorcycle so did not have the fun of a train ride but still was an enjoyable visit.

Most of the buildings where not open for visitors since this is consider a royal residence but I assume that King was not at home or even the grounds would be closed. There was a museum that was open and had a number of objects on display but my favorite building was the concession stand. The concession stand had places to sit and had the AC cranked up and was a great place to escape the heat of the day for a few minutes.

Below is the short video I did while walking around looking for the King and Queen without and luck.

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