
Monday, May 15, 2023

Bun Bang Fai or Rocket Festival in Ku Ka Sing

Hopped on the bike and headed to Ku Ka Sing in Roi Et for the 3rd time. I went straight to the place I had scoped out the day before and both sides of the road were lined with vendors selling all sort of stuff. There was a big stage at one end of the field that I completely missed the day before and a couple of what I thought were viewing tents.

One of what I thought were viewing tents had a group of monks and did a bunch of prayers prior to the start of any of the rockets.

I got to go to a number of rocket festivals this week but this was the only one that had medium sized saucer rockets. These spin sort of like a flying saucer and were really fun to watch. I have since seen some large saucer type of rockets on Youtube and may have to go to a festival with the large ones next year. These have a parachute that deploys so they do not come crashing down to the ground.

The more traditional type of rocket is a tube that seems to be a PVC pipe with a bamboo pole attached. There are different categories based on the weight of the rocket. They time the rocket from the time it is launched until it comes back to earth and the winner is the one that takes the most time.

The festival is a big party but the idea behind it is that it is done at the start of the rainy season and asking the gods to provide rain.

Following is the slide show of the festival. I think I got better at capturing the rockets over the next few days.

This is a short video I posted while at the festival.

What a really fun day.

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