
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Hello 2021 and Goodbye 2020

I have been posting some pictures at the end of each year as a sort of summary of the year. I am not sure I can post a picture to summarize most people's opinion of 2020. I guess I could post a picture of a dog turd.

My thoughts of 2020 are a bit different than most peoples. 2020 was a year of life style change for me. I went from a life of almost full-time travel to one of finding a home or at least a place to sleep for more than a night, a week, or a month at a time. I never would have guessed that 2020 would be a year of such dramatic change to what the world thought was normal. I am just really grateful that I did not have to find a new place to sleep while the pandemic was or is raging.

2021 looks like it is off to a worse start than 2020 had but at least there appears to be a number of rays of hope coming from the end of a long dark tunnel.

Enough talk now time for a few pictures and I promise no dog turds. I put them in a slide show this year so have a few more pictures than normal but hope you enjoy.

Slideshow on Youtube

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